Articles on: What's New - Changelog

What's New - Changelog

Welcome to FairPay's changelog! Here we have listed all the changes and improvements we made over time 🙂

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April 15 2024

🔧 Adding performer(s) to Form Access products is no longer necessary (nor possible).

April 15 2024

Custom Photosets. Selling photosets created on-demand is now supported.
Form Access Product. Selling access to a form designed with a third-party tool is now supported.

April 12 2024

Photoset Product. Selling photosets with FairPay is now supported. Add your photosets to the photo catalog and easily sell them by creating Photoset Products.
Digital Download Products. Selling compressed files (ZIP, RAR, 7Z, GZIP) with FairPay is now supported. This makes it easy to sell bundles, audio files, PDFs, templates and any other file formats of your choice.

✏️ We have improved the Visibility column in the seller admin, so that it better reflects the state of your products when there requests from our moderation team.

April 8 2024

✏️**[Performance Improvement.]** When creating a Video product, the video picker now loads extremely fast even if you have hundreds of videos in your catalog.

🔧 Fixed a bug which returned an incorrect amount error to customers in certain cases when attempting to purchase.

March 21 2024

[Mobile] Fullscreen Support in Chatroom. Customers can now pinch to resize the stream and easily go fullscreen during live shows on their mobiles/tablets.
Test FairPay Video Calls. Now, when you click on Stream Manager, you can test our HD chatroom from your perspective and the one of your customers easily.
KRW Payouts for South Korea. We've added KRW bank transfers to the payout methods available in South Korea!
JPY Payouts for Japan. We've added JPY bank transfers to the payout methods available in Japan!
CLP Payouts for Chile. We've added CLP bank transfers to the payout methods available in Chile!
BRL Payouts for Brazil. We've added BRL bank transfers to the payout methods available in Brazil!

✏️ Multipage model release agreements are now supported when verifying performer profiles.

March 13 2024

CZK Payouts for Czech Republic. We've added CZK bank transfers to the payout methods available in Czech Republic!

March 2 2024

Improved Media Gallery.
MXN Payouts for Mexico. We've added MXN bank transfers to the payout methods available in Mexico!
UAH Payouts for Ukraine. We've added UAH bank transfers to the payout methods available in Ukraine!
AUD Payouts for Australia. We've added AUD bank transfers to the payout methods available in Australia!

✏️ Whenever possible, we now display the next 2 payout dates and amounts in the seller admin.
✏️ [Mobile] When redirected to checkout from an embedded store, after 2 seconds of inactivity while looking at the shopping cart items, the customer is now automatically scrolled down to checkout.

February 29 2024

🔧 Fixed a bug which led to many failed deliveries of our email newsletter in January.

February 28 2024

Embedded Store Customization. It is now possible to choose which parts of your store page you want to embed: you can remove the bio, the footer, the navbar, and choose which section(s) should be in the iframe.

✏️ Clicking on any tag in a store page now yields all the matching results.

February 24 2024

🔧 Fixed a bug which prevented saving new links & pictures in Edit store page section.

February 23 2024

Filtered Results for Embedded Stores. When you embed a FairPay store via our iFrames, it is now possible to link only a subset of results by adding the parameter ?i=/Content%20featuring/TAG to the URL, where TAG is any tag present in your store.

February 22 2024

✏️ [Mobile] We've drastically how much text displays in stores both for the bio and products.

February 20 2024

✏️ After the third ID verification failure during the seller verification flow, a support ticket for manual review is now automatically created.
✏️ The 'Report this page' link is now only accessible via the footer of every page.

🔧 Video products now correctly get the tags associated with sold video files.

February 16 2024

Online Button. You can now set your status as online, so that your customers know you are currently available from your store page.

✏️ New donations now trigger an email notification as well.
✏️ Filters section no longer show in store pages if there are no filters.
✏️ The tags section on products pages no longer show when there are no tags to display.
✏️ The 'Add to favourite' button no longer display on the iFrame version of store pages.
✏️ [Mobile] Font sizes were reduced in multiple places so that pages look more harmonious.
✏️ [Mobile] Search bar and products categories no longer show for stores with less than 10 products.

🔧 [Mobile] Dashboard in seller admin now displays correctly.
🔧 [Mobile] The keyboard no longer displays when visiting the Performers section.
🔧 [Mobile] Using the Stream Manager the seller admin no longer closes the menu with each tap.
🔧 [Mobile] Using the Store picker in the seller admin no longer closes the menu with each tap.
🔧 [Mobile] Navbar looks better (Login and Sign Up links no longer span multiple lines, which was stretching the navbar vertically).
🔧 [Mobile] Shopping cart items display has been fixed.

February 15 2024

NOK Payouts for Norway. We've added NOK bank transfers to the payout methods available in Norway!

🔧 Fixed a bug where customers could not checkout due to "3DS Amount Mismatch" for certain specific amounts, with certain VAT rates being applied.
🔧 Fixed a bug where FairPay would recapture payments 48 hours later on failed subscriptions, without the customer intending to do so.

February 14 2024

SEK Payouts for Sweden. We've added SEK bank transfers to the payout methods available in Sweden!
PLN Payouts for Poland. We've added PLN bank transfers to the payout methods available in Poland!
NZD Payouts for New Zealand. We've added NZD bank transfers to the payout methods available in New Zealand!
HUF Payouts for Hungary. We've added HUF bank transfers to the payout methods available in Hungary!
GEL Payouts for Georgia. We've added GEL bank transfers to the payout methods available in Georgia!
GBP Payouts for United Kingdom. We've added GBP bank transfers to the payout methods available in the United Kingdom!
DKK Payouts for Denmark. We've added DKK bank transfers to the payout methods available in Denmark!
BGN Payouts for Bulgarian. We've added BGN bank transfers to the payout methods available in Bulgaria!
RON Payouts for Romania. We've added RON bank transfers to the payout methods available in Romania!
CAD Payouts for Canada. We've added CAD bank transfers to the payout methods available in Canada!

February 12 2024

✏️ We have added 'Non-binary' as a gender choice in performer profiles.
✏️ We have added 'CD/TV' as a gender choice in performer profiles.

February 11 2024

Purchasing More Time in Live Shows. You can now easily offer your customers to purchase more time in live shows, we trigger an alert when there is less than 3 minutes left.
Live Show Timer. We now display how long ago the live show started on the seller side. You can pause and restart the timer when needed.
INR Bank Transfers. Payouts via INR bank transfer is now available for sellers in India.

✏️ It is now necessary to provide your address for ACH payouts.

🔧 We now support HEIC format for pictures (the iPhone default format).

February 4 2024

iFrame Store Pages. Store pages can now be displayed via iFrame, directly onto your own website/domain (as the entire site, or one of the pages).

January 31 2024

✏️ It is no longer necessary to verify your email before you can login to your newly created seller account.

🔧 Fixed a bug making it impossible for customers to activate their mic or cam in the FairPay chatroom.
🔧 Fixed a bug where preview images with the format in capital letters would not display properly in stores (e.g., .PNG instead of .png).

January 30 2024

🔧 The email notification for live show, sexting, and phone sex sales now triggers correctly.

January 15 2024

Sexting product. You can now sell sexting sessions with FairPay!
Phone sex product. You can now sell phone sex sessions with FairPay!

January 11 2024

Crypto Payouts. Payouts via crypto currencies are now available. Reach out to support for more info.
Onboarding Tour. New sellers joining FairPay are now presented with an option tour, showing how the admin works.

✏️ In the seller admin, the 'Claim earnings' section now only shows when there are earnings to claim (in which case, it also shows on your dashboard).
✏️ The performer creation page now shows clearly which data is mandatory and optional.
✏️ You can now access product creation, editing store page, and uploading videos from your dashboard.
✏️ We've simplified the balance. Only 2 amounts show per currency now, instead of 5 (the total of unpaid earnings, and the amount in rolling reserve).
✏️ Deleting a store section now requires a confirmation to avoid accidents.
✏️ Your next payout is now displayed in your dashboard.

🔧 Webp image format is now supported.

January 8 2024

✏️ The URLs appearing in your Store Page are now handled from the 'Edit store page' page.
✏️ Products now have a 'Visibility' column, clearly indicating whether your Private or Public (listed in your store).

🔧 Fixed a bug where the Products page in the seller admin would sometimes not load properly.
🔧 Fixed a bug where in some rare cases, the total price was 1 cent off leading to a payment bug.

December 20 2023

✏️ In Stores, sections' subtext (under the title) now have more contrast so they are easier to read.

December 18 2023

Promotional Offers. You can now offer discounts in your store. Click 'Promotional Offers' in Sales Management, and create a new offer offering a discount to your customers for a set period of time and for the selection of products of your choice.

✏️ Adding new durations to Live Show products is now easier.
✏️ Usability improvement. When searching for a non-existing performer profile, you now have the option to create it immediately.
✏️ Usability improvement. Your Video Catalog now features a visibility column, letting you know which videos are listed on sale and/or in your store or not.
✏️ Usability improvement. During the seller onboarding, accepting FairPay rules is now done via a popup instead of external link.

December 14 2023

🔧 Fixed a bug where the checkout button was not visible for some mobile users (depending on screen size).

December 11 2023

Live Shows. Live shows are now available for sale on FairPay!

✏️ Products' Media Gallary has been improved! You can now add as many preview images, GIFs, and videos as you like. Products with a preview video feature a play button on the preview image (making it easier for your customers to play the video).
✏️ When sharing your store, the link preview is now personalized with your store image and description (instead of featuring a generic FairPay presentation).

🔧 When a filter yields more than 9 results, they now all show properly in your store.

December 4 2023

🔧 Fixed a bug which prevented Safari users to load GIFs properly in stores.
🔧 When checking the Sale Details page, related payouts now appear correctly.

December 1 2023

Performance Improvement. Assets such as images, GIFs, and preview videos, are now delivered by CloudFront Content Delivery Network (CDN). CDNs are aking to content highways for the internet and this dramatically speeds up store loading times.

November 30 2023

✏️ The store search bar now handles many typos, making it easier for customers to find what they want.

November 29 2023

Product reordering. In Edit store page, you can click on 'Reorder products' to rearrange products inside a section as you see fit.
Store search bar. Store Pages now feature a search bar in the top right to help your customers find what they are looking for.
Improved store navigation. Sections with more than 12 products can now be explored on a separate page featuring 21 products per page.

🔧 Fixed a bug where hitting backspace in the navigator would return the wrong page of the store.

November 27 2023

✏️ The design of the customer content library has been improved on mobiles.

🔧 Fixed a bug which prevented downloading videos to iPhone on Safari.

November 20 2023

Geo-blocking. You can now ban countries so visitors from this country will not be able to access your store (nor find it on our marketplace).

✏️ The design of Store sections featuring only 1 Product has been upgraded.
✏️ The design of the 'All my links' section of Stores with the pink or purple theme has been upgraded.

🔧 Fixed a bug where sections of the seller admin menu were hidden on some smaller screens or when zooming in.
🔧 Fixed a bug where new videos would appear last instead of first in Stores.
🔧 Fixed a bug where changing an image would sometimes result in no image appearing.

November 13 2023

Preview Videos. You can add a preview video per Product. There is no size limit to the video, but it counts toward your Content Storage Fee.

✏️ The following characters are now automatically removed from file names: , ‘ : (it was causing issues)

🔧 Fixed a bug that made it impossible to delete Products.
🔧 No more unnecessary long white spaces in the Product creation/edit form.

November 9 2023

✏️ Customers are now redirected to FairPay automatically after paying via SegPay so that they can find their content easier.

November 7 2023

Preview Picture Gallery. You can add multiple preview pictures to your products.
Performance Improvement. Lazy loading of images to speed up loading times on pages with many assets.
Performance Improvement. Stores have been optimized and now load 2 times faster.

✏️ In Videos, your latest added video now displays first.
✏️ In Edit store page, you can now decide if your URLs or Filters should display first in your Store Page.
✏️ The meta of our pages have been updated so that it looks better when sharing links to your fans.
✏️ In 'Edit store page', the trashcan icon to remove products from a section has been replaced by an X icon.
✏️ When choosing a video to add to your products, now there is no need to scroll to confirm your choice (the Confirm button is always visible).

🔧 When switching store, some times only the menu would appear. The bug has been fixed.

November 3 2023

✏️ We now pre-populate Store Pages with 1 section per Product type to make your life easier.
✏️ You can now decide where (and if) your Product will appear on your Store Page directly from the Product creation form.

🔧 Saving the Introduction text on Store Pages has been fixed.
🔧 Saving new file names for videos has been fixed.
🔧 On donation pages with a dark theme, the acceptance text is now clearly visible.

November 2 2023

Theme Picker on Demo Page. 👉 - To promote FairPay and earn money, you will find your demo affiliate link in 'Referral Program' 💪
Filtered Store View. You can now link to specific Tags in your store, displaying only content that matches 👉

✏️ For guest purchases, the country of customers is now automatically pre-selected (based on their IP).

🔧 In Products, 'Copy link' buttons now appear correctly for all screen sizes.

October 31 2023

Gif Previews. You can now add Gif previews to your Products. Gif previews animate on hover.
Section Pagination. Your store page sections now paginate if they feature more than 9 products. This helps ensuring your store loads quickly.

October 27 2023

Multi-Store Management. You can now operate multiple stores from the same FairPay account.
Improved Store Design. Store pages now look a lot better and you can choose among many themes 👉
Filters in Stores. Store pages now feature filters for your customers to easily explore your content (optional).
Bulk Video Upload. You can now upload many videos at once to FairPay.

October 19 2023

Magic Onboardings. We can help you replicate in FairPay your existing stores in other sites (Clips4Sale, ManyVids, LoyalFans, and Iwantclips).

🔧 Skype ID can now be properly saved in Performer Profiles.

October 13 2023

🔧 Latina ethnicity can now be properly saved in Performer Profiles.

October 7 2023

Referral program. Refer selers to FairPay and earn 1% of their sales 👉 FairPay Referral Program
YourSafe Payouts. YourSafe has been added as a payout method.
Markdown Support. Text fields in FairPay now support Markdown so you can make your pages look better.

October 3 2023

FairPay is live! 🎉 And so it begins...

Updated on: 18/04/2024

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