Articles on: Selling with FairPay

Donations / Tributes Product Page

You can use FairPay to receive donations & tributes from your fans.

Donations & Tributes features

Fixed donation amounts: You can choose which donation amounts will be available to your customers.

Custom donation amounts: If you enable custom donation amounts, your customer can to give between $1 and $245 (or 1€ and 245€).

You can allow both fixed & custom donation amounts, and your customers will have both options.

Offering recurring payments: Enable daily, weekly, or monthly payments so your customers can subscribe and make recurring donations.

Requesting recurring payments: Enable the option 'Recurring payment is mandatory' so your customers can only donate by subscribing. Your customers can still cancel their subscription immediately after if they want.

Customer notes: Your customers can leave you a message with their donation (only with the first payment in case of a subscription).

Updated on: 25/10/2023

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