Articles on: Selling with FairPay

Multi-Store Management

You can operate multiple stores with FairPay 👍

What is a store

Each store is like a container with its own catalog of content (videos, photos, etc.) and its own products.

Each store has its own Store Page that you can link to your customers.

Each Store Page appears on our marketplace ( separately and can be discovered by customers exploring FairPay.

Performer profiles are shared across all your stores.

How to create a second store

To create a new store, click on the store picker in the top left and click 'Create new store'.

Choose a unique store name and tag the performers who will appear the most in your store.

You're all set! ⭐

About Main Performers

Main Performers are the performers appearing the most in your store.

These performers' profiles have more importance in your store's interface. When customers search for stores, they will find your store based on what you filled in the Performer Profiles of the Main Performers.

You can still upload and sell content featuring other performers.


Videos and products you create in FairPay are not shared across your stores. If you want to sell the same content in different stores, you must create it in each store.

We issue payouts weekly on a per-store basis. We will group earnings from all stores in a single payout in a future update.

Your payout method is shared across all your stores.

You can only consult your sales on a per-store basis (we do not have a view aggregating your sales across all of your stores yet).

Updated on: 26/10/2023

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