Articles on: Earnings & Fees

Streaming Fee

Streaming Fee

We charge you $0.03 (or 0.03€) per minute when you sell a Live Show.

The Streaming Fee is charged directly after each live show sale, based on the show's duration.

The Streaming Fee will remain the same if the show lasts longer or is shorter.


If you sell a 20-minute show with FairPay, we will charge you a $0.60 Streaming Fee for this show.

Suppose you charge $4 per minute. Then, on your $80 sale, FairPay will charge you $4.60 ($4 Payment Processing Fee + $0.60 Streaming Fee), and you make $75.40 - chargeback protected.

Why does FairPay have a Streaming Fee?

At FairPay, we believe you should pay for what you use - no more, no less. It is the way forward to offer the best rates so that you earn the most when selling with us.

We try our best to maintain this fee as small as possible. The Streaming Fee covers our additional infrastructure costs to support high-quality live streaming.

VAT fee

If you are in Europe, we must apply VAT to our fees based on your country of residence.

The rate depends on your country, and we pay the entirety of the VAT collected to the state (we make no profit on this and act out of legal obligation).

For example, if you are in France, which has a standard VAT rate of 20%, and your streaming fee should be 1 Euro, it will be 1.20 Euro once we apply the VAT.

-> Read more on VAT here

Updated on: 11/12/2023

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